leaned up together
Indulge my gentle touch
warm tones of thrumbing and voice
drawing and weaving speak a similar language
overlapping accumulates into new ground
to build from
the work is mostly done for now
we are leaned for a while
slow to get up
shy even
by sophia, December 2023
Indulge my gentle touch
warm tones of thrumbing and voice
drawing and weaving speak a similar language
overlapping accumulates into new ground
to build from
the work is mostly done for now
we are leaned for a while
slow to get up
shy even

“leaned up together”, paper, ink, gouache, cotton, beech wood loom, rusty steel bits, masking tape, 20” x 28” (drawing)
aisle sow
when I speak the title aloud, with no written support, you could hear
MFA Graduation work 2024
when I speak the title aloud, with no written support, you could hear

“aisle sow”, canvas, wood glue clamps, cotton woven, linen woven, acrylic, ink, pigments, 10’ x 10’, 2024
hold fast and soft chance
paper studio blinds and a porous weaving

Weaving compositions with the Xerox
winter 2023

subject: before venturing out my love
--Xerox3882615554 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I’ve been cut from the loom, ends not knotted or finished. I while away taped to a mirror for some time, then a malimineesque wall. That was thankfully brief. I was laid out to rest. In this form I am processed.
“Processing… 1 Original”,Xerox scan, 11” x 8 1/2”, 2023

====================================================================== subject: february sinuwe
Please open the attached document. It was scanned and sent to you using a Xerox Multifunction Printer.Attachment File Type: jpeg, 1 File Per Page
Device Name: PRT-BC5-MFP1
“Waffel Rope”,Xerox scan, 8 1/2” x 11”, 2023

subject: Xerograph jan 16 2023
--Xerox3882871580 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please open the attached document. It was scanned and sent to you using a Xerox Multifunction Printer. Attachment File Type: jpeg, 1 File Per Page Device Name: PRT-BC5-MFP1 For more information
“not spam”, Xerox scan of weaving under failed job status report, 11” x 8 1/2”